Eurovision song contest...

Israel's Netta has won the Eurovision song contest 2018
It was a night filled with drama, including the tense moment a man invaded the stage during UK entry SuRie's performance and grabbed the mic to shout about "Nazis" and the "UK media".
After the night's jury votes, it seemed the competition was down to two of the night's charmers, Austria's Cesár Sampson and Sweden's Benjamin Ingrosso. 
However, the public vote changed all that: the favour shifted first to Israel and Cyprus' Eleni Foureira, with Netta finally triumphing with her bright, bonkers pop anthem 'Toy'. 

"Thank you for celebrating diversity. Thank you! I love my country! See you in Jerusalem!" she said in her acceptance speech, as a member of the crowd waved their stuffed Pikachu in triumph, referencing the song's lyrics. 

The IndependentThis is Portugal’s first ever go at hosting the Eurovision Song Contest, having spent the last 50 years finishing no higher than 6th place. To say our hosts are revelling in the experience is an understatement. The cafes and bars are packed to capacity, the picturesque Praça do Comércio has been converted into a fan village, and every single tourist is eating pastel de nada for breakfast, brunch, lunch and tea. I’m now more custard than man.

Rob Holley on Twitter

Twitter“Ruslana is in the Fan Village MILES away and you can hear in Lisbon is: GO! GO! GO WILD DANCES! 🇺🇦 #Eurovision”

We're asking our followers on Twitter who their favourite to win is and why, with a huge range in suggestions already... 
'Henry Hogg' (@leftieoddbod) says: "The first one to wear mad clothing will get my vote, but that's most of them so I'll go for the dog juggler"
'Radicai' (@kwaamfun) says: "No votes for Israel. They shouldn’t even be there. All cultural ties with Israel should be avoided until they cease their apartheid practices."
While Francophile Fontanet (@TemFntnt) says:"France of course because "la langue de Molière" is the best language of the world!"

The brilliant Rob Holley has also asked a bunch of people in Lisbon whether they think the rest of Europe really hates the UK during Eurovision, read here: 

Watch Rob Holley in Lisbon live on Facebook right now!

Do 'like' our Facebook Culture page for more of Rob's brilliant live videos

Can you believe it? There's a mere half hour until Eurovision 2018 kicks off in Lisbon, Portugal. But do not fear, I'll be right here to bring you all the action, make obscure pop culture references, and complain about the voting section dragging out for what feels like three centuries. My bones, they are shaking with excitement.

Rob's currently LIVE in Libson from the Eurovision press room!

If you want a reminder of what tonight's entrants must aspire to, let me present to you 2004's winner: Ukraine's Wild Dances. Undefeated in greatness for over a decade. Fire, check. Yelling, check. Everyone dressed like Game of Thrones extras, check. True perfection.

Looks like they're being well-fed backstage in Lisbon 

Rob Holley on Twitter


Here are nine people who didn't opt for the tear-away skirt.  

The nine best outfits from Eurovision 2018

The IndependentThe Eurovision Song Contest is a spectacle to behold - filled with talent, entertainment, and stage presence. While enjoying the musical aspect of the performances is the point, the outfits also lend to the enjoyment and appeal of the competition.

Rob Holley on Twitter

Twitter“Typical Saturday evening in Lisbon! Just bumped into Mr Lordi 🤟🤟🤟 #Eurovision”

AND WE'RE OFF! Portugal have been waiting 53 years to host the contest, so they're going all out and opening with - ALL ABOARD! A nautical theme, of course. Please say at least one country has entered a sea shanty.

Netta recently spoke to The Independent about her own body confidence: "[I was told] dress like you have nothing to celebrate Dress in black. Dress big. Short skirts are not for you. Short sleeves are not for you. You’re not sexy or beautiful. You’re funny - that’s what you are. And you are a good friend.
"Well I am here to break that because this is a great evil that is done in the word to so many people."
"People are locked in this state of mind and when I decided that this [gestures to herself] is who I am then that was that. I always wanted to explore pop culture in my music and I didn’t have a chance because being me and presenting that music… it’s not existing."
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18 minutes ago
No comments yet alleging that Israel is an 'ethno-supremacist' state!
There have been complaints from elsewhere that Israel has 'appropriated' Japanese culture.
I suppose the Israelis are really descendants of Japanese, pretending to be Semites!
Anti-Semites are throwing every conceivable insult at Israel because they can't take the fact that most people and most countries don't share their love of Jew-hatred.
Most countries, although upset about the deaths on the Gaza-Israel border, accept that Israel has a right to defend her border, infrastructure, and nearby fields and communities.
159 states have full diplomatic relations with Israel.
More and more countries are considering moving their embassies to Jerusalem.
More and more Arab countries are denouncing hatred of Jews and of Israel.
Israel's victories in the Eurovision contest show that she is accepted as both part of Europe and of the Middle East.
Most posters are on the wrong side of history and of humanity.
9 hours ago
Will we see Turkey competing next year?  After all
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is no fan of the Israelis.
9 hours ago
50 protesters shot dead, 2,000 injured, and Israel "celebrates" Eurovision with a phone-in vote overturning the resident jury and backing a "Me-Too" nonentity from weightwatchers anonymous. Hasbara ever opportunistic does Femwash as well as Pinkwash. Meet me in Jerusalem she says, which to be clear is meant for everyone apart from Palestinians born in Palestine. Next call Jerusalem this week the organiser of the Miss World contest, whose face will be beaming from large posters. In that sense it is fitting that this nonsense is going there.
2 hours ago
Protesters who were told to stay away from the fence you mean?

I have an idea, don't come near a neighbouring country's fence, don't get shot.

In the meanwhile, how many have the Brits killed recently in the ME?
I heard you guys like to bomb faraway countries
43 minutes ago
Itis1 Why would you advertise your morally bankruptcy in such a public manner ? Do you honestly believe that people who protest near a fence should be killed ?
5 minutes ago
Of course, she did not exclude Palestinians!
Everyone is welcome in Jerusalem, provided they come in peace.
That means no stabbing, shooting, car-ramming, suicide bombing, or kite fire bombs.
10 hours ago
The racist anti-Semites working for the Indie and their Russian cohorts must be choking over their cornflakes this morning.
Ghastly spectacle for start to finish, of course.
8 hours ago
Why is I rael considered a EUropean country and not Syria, Palestine Egypt etc, .
7 hours ago
probably to do with the values that they share and the fact that if there was a middle east song contest they wouldn't be invited? Besides, neighbouring Turkey and Cyprus are in so why not Israel? By the way, you spelt European wrong, seem to be confused thinking everything European must be related to the EU.
1 hour ago


The anti-Semites/anti-Zionists will use any argument, even contradictory arguments, in order to express their hatred.
I must have read about a hundred racist comments about how, allegedly, DNA testing has proved that Jews are European, not Semitic, and that Ashkenazim are Turkish Khazars or Germans!
And now, we get a complaint that Jews are considered to be part of the European family.
The leader of the Palestinians, Mr Abbas, has claimed that Israel is a European colonialist project and that Jews are really Europeans.
Why should he want Palestinians to be considered members of the European family?
10 hours ago
Quite obvious that israhell fixed this by rigging the phone vote.
8 hours ago
They spent a lot of money on the campaign.....the re has been a lot of discussion over the past few days. Perhaps even more money than on bullets for Gaza children. 
11 hours ago
To all the Israel haters on here, next year in Israel's capital Jerusalem!

See you there;)
10 hours ago
לשנה הבאה בירושלים
9 hours ago
You won’t be allowed into the country if you support BDS. Join now!
Fair Dinkum
9 hours ago
I guess that if you want to visit other countries nearby to Israel, such as Petra in Jordan, you will need to visit them first because the intolerant Arab countries will not allow you to enter their country if you have an Israeli immigration stamp on your passport.  I welcome anyone to correct me on this.
7 hours ago
You are incorrect.  Thousands of tourists travel from Israel to Jordan every month either via three land crossings or via Jordanian Airline flights from Tel-Aviv to Amman.  
7 hours ago
Just leave Palestinians alone, Ok? ...oh, and the land.
14 hours ago
Congrats to Israel!
15 hours ago
Just for the record, my favourite was Denmark.

Followed by Lithuania.

Germany was pretty good, too.
16 hours ago

Well done to Israel, not my favourite personally thought Cyprus was better, but hey Israel won, let’s celebrate the winning artist for all her hard work and passion.
3 hours ago
I agree, Cyprus was the Best ... By Far !!
16 hours ago
Hamas supporter “Australia is not as objectionable.... Australia is not murdering unarmed protestors,....”

But they did - the Aborigines.
Or don’t they count in your dark racist cave?
8 hours ago
Jessica is a indigenous  and proud of it, just like all the country.  I thought it was the British invaders that committed genocide on the indigenous population? 


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