Real life

Let's try it in English. I have this Grammarly thing, keeps correcting what I write.
A friend of mine has told me ´why don´t you write a blog in English, about our country and places to go, now that we are so trendy´... about us: Two new tigers cubs were born at the Zoo, here in Lisbon. There are also lots of small elephants and a young rinosaurus . Ok, Grammarly has corrected this to dinosaurs. That is not true. Let´s see in Google translate, rhinoceros, rhinos.

No, you can´t see dinosaurs in Lisbon, yet. Not alive.

What else can I say, the weather is fine, the sky is very blue, most people must be at the beach (Costa de Caparica, Cascais, Guincho, Carcavelos, Ericeira), because it´s Saturday... There are no political troubles (that´s in Spain, Barcelona, Catalonia) there are no shootings either because there are few guns around. Hunters have rifles I guess but people can go around with their cell phone and whatever, day and night, it´s safe. If they think you are tourists they will try to sell you things, I guess, just ignore it.

Well, that´s all for tourism.

Real life. I went to the Vet with my female cat, 14 years old. She has a renal deficiency, I have to take her twice a week to have serum. Then there came a young guy, with a German Sheppard and we began to talk, while the vet was occupied with five cats, and we heard feral noises coming from inside. My cat was safe in the box.

Then a man came in and said he had his dog in the car it had been run over by a car. OK, let´s wait for the Vet´s assistant shall we (please don´t take the dog inside, I don´t want to see real live hurt dogs). The Vet came, she´s Anna, and she said she would see him after she took care of us. The dog had a broken leg he said. Poor dr. that´s not an emergency clinic why didn´t she told him to take the dog to the animal hospital.

And then I came home, and began to watch TV.
Acho que amanhã vou à praia.


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