Portugal the best european tourist destination

We have also won the trophy for best Cruise Port (Lisbon), best beaches (Algarve), best Landscapes, best place to retire......

And indeed everything has been cleaned and arranged, the streets, more subway stations, the old buildings from the 18th century, the Castle of the Moors  (12th century), more hostels and hotels... In Lisbon, Oporto, and so on.

In Lisbon we had streets closed, due to the works, Oporto too. People were complaining there was no commerce in the city, and the river was blocked by the never-ending works of the subway. It was a tricky business,  the tunnels had leaks, engineers said it wasn´t safe, so close to the river... And I really think the same, I have never been to that station (Cais de sodré)...

So,  all this year, tourism has been at its height, people from the north countries and others from Europe which had never been here. The Spanish, English, French, they were usual customers...

And they are so conspicuous, tall and white (or red), blond... We are normally dark skinned, some more than others, but with this sun all year long (this has been the hottest year this century), we get tanned just going out. But we have many blue and green eyes and dark hair, and the younger generation is taller.

Well, now there are some that are complaining about the tourists....tourists everywhere, taking their shirts and sunbathing in the gardens, or even swimming in the river Tagus (which is not advisable due to the pollution). They have seen nothing yet. They have never been to London, Paris or Venice. In those places it's difficult to get an information, people really don´t stop when we want to ask something, about the subway or other. We still stop and give directions, some people even go with them to show the way. So they say we are really friendly. So far.

Some years ago, I was at the beach in May, and some American elderly tourists came, without their shoes, and sat in the sand near me, they said " this is Heaven! The clean and white thin sand, this sun, clean blue sea! ". And yes, that is still true. In May, June... Then the beaches become really full of tourists, and in August also by the Portuguese.

We are still very nice to tourists, but I wonder for how much longer... So enjoy us, before we become French....


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