Analysing contents

Ok, that is a job, my job actually. I answered an advertisement for "Reviewer of improper contents for a social network", and got called, and they explained to me What, how, where, for whom it was, how much would I earn. And I chose the Portuguese/Brasilian markets, they had also the Spanish and French, but they paid the same and it was easier. Since I am Portuguese.

What we do is to enforce the terms of agreement, those things we have to agree not to do when we first sign to the social network (which I cannot name). Actually, as a user, I had denounced a photo of a dog strapped to a car by the neck, and a man laughing. I said it was violent and I didn´t want to see it. And they ignored me. Now I know why. There was no caption praising the action or promoting it.

People can post photos of horrible things, but if they put a caption condemning the act, it´s OK. ( but no sex).
Of course, we can delete it ourselves from our page, but if the reviewers delete it, is gone from every computer.

In this market (Portuguese/ Brazilian) I see such horrible things: people with a little dog in the act of throwing it over a bridge, mother hitting her adult daughter, but if they add " So horrible, we should catch them!" we must Ignore. These come from Brazil. From my market we have nudity, and that is almost always a Delete. Because women cannot show their breasts, even if they are at the beach, or it´s a picture of native women in Africa. Guidelines.

That´s because I am European I guess, people still do topless at the beach, and nobody cares. Mothers breastfeed their babies in public places and it´s alright.

And another thing, yes it is true they have a software that spots some words. They send this to be analyzed by humans, us, and also what people have denounced. If it is a real threat of something, we Escalate, to be analyzed in Dublin, and they take measures. Or we can Mark as Disturbing and then people choose to watch it or not.

Well, all this is in the Page of ....... (social network), if you care to read it.
Be good!


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