Maddie - ten years later

It´s been ten years the litlle english girl, disapeared from her bedrom, in the afternoon, in Algarve. She was spending the holydays in a portuguese resort, Praia da Luz, with her parents and her brother and sister. She was four and the twins two. The parents, both doctors (medics), left them alone in a bedroom and went to take drinks with friends, in the resort restaurant. They refused the baby sitter the hotel offered them. They said they were asleep and that they would go there to watch often.

Apparently , the window was open but the blinds were closed.
Sometime, in the afternoon, Maddie McCann disapears.
The parents and friends, first searched for her in the resort (small one), but they refused to call the police. Until it was night.

Then the police intervened and roads were closed, people´s cars were searched, everybody saw the picture of the girl on TV.

I was in Algarve at that time, some miles from there,then, and everybody knew about Maddie, how one eye had a strange distinct signal, how smal she was, we would watch every blond or not child.

The place where they were was not near the border from Spain, and there was only sea and them Moroccos. Why should someone take the trouble to take that particular girl, from a closed bedroom,when the place was full of children? The population more than triples in the Summer and there are lots of english residents all year in Algarve. Certainly some pedofiles too.

But what was really strange, was when  the police dogs, went to the room,  they left and went straight to the McCanns rented car....


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