Brexit and Trumpit

Now I got involved in a discussion on Facebook....Ashton Kutcher posted a video telling the USA are the only industrialized country were women didn´t have maternity leave, free maternities and children care, so on.
I commented " Really ? In Portugal we have six months paid leave, free healthcare, free scools..."
And then other people began " In Poland we have 2 years with 85 % of salary ", and a guy from Norway or some other place said the same....
Then people from USA began to tell they were capitalists and not socialists and they could choose the hospital where they were treated. And we answererd " So do we! We can choose which public hospital we go, so they compete with each other. And we also have health insurance, to go to the private places, if we prefer...."And the guy said, " Ah, you are from Portugal, with the collapsed economy crisis..." and I answer " Yes, we are under " austerity" and we have to pay taxes, according to what we earn, but still we have free hospital (5 euros for a consultation, with cat scan included) and the other things ". And a women said " See, they are in a crisis but they still care about people ".

(I am Maria são Miguel )
Then I got it. Trump is going to win. They think all those phrases is show for the attention, and that he is a clever man. And that the " liberal media " are against him, and only show the racist things, out of context. They want a man to win and a conservative. They don´t want more " mexicans " or money spent in " no good people ". People must fend for themselves. Rich people have charities to help them.

That´s so not the European way of thinking. Most countries have free healthcare, especially for women and children. Because they are our future, and we must take care of them. And we have many older people, we have to take care of them, in nursing care houses with help, since their sons are still working. And we have to have pre schools for children, because their mothers work, and they are better with professional people then hired help who can beat them to dead...

And we believe in global warming, and that it is caused by men pollution. We recycle, we have wind energy, solar energy, no Nuclear plants (in some countries, like here , in Portugal ).

How do we pay all that ? We have taxes, we pay taxes according to what we earn. Rich people do what they can to evade them, but they still pay something. With EU we have the chance to go and work in other countries, recently most nurses went to the UK, beacause they had need of good professional people, and we have more years in school for nurses than UK, we are more trained.

We don´t spend much money in the army, we have mostly sailors, we have a great coast line.
We don´t spend much money with teachers, we earn few money. And all people that work for the governmant, administratives and so on, get the taxes out of the salaries directly, so they can´t evade taxes.
And we have turism, we have a nice warm. calm country, with fresh food and simple people.
We don´t want to go to the USA, except for people in the Islands Azores and Madeira, which are closer to their coast. We go to the EU. Or stay here, and act like civil people.

So, please, if Trump wins, don´t engage in wars with the world. Stay where you are, with you " americam way of life ".


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