Bob the street cat

I just met, Bob, the street cat. 
No not really, but I would like to. I mean I read the book by James Bowen, about how they met.

I think James is adorable, I´ve seen the videos in You Tube, his facebook Page. I think he is a really genuine, shy guy, I don´t know if they can get that in the movie. The actor seems too handsome for the role. Not that James is not handsome, but I think he is a big, clumsy guy. The type of quiet guys cats love. I don´t doubt for a minute that Bob chose James to take care of him.

Some people think he abuses the cat, that it is not natural a cat to sit quietly while he plays guitar, that he must drug the cat. But thats not so. Cats sleep a lot, if you have a cat you know that. and the cat prefers to be with his owner than alone at home, being a street cat before. And in the book we are told how they were atacked by dogs and Bob run away, directly home. Cats are smart.

The videos, the pictures, were posted by others. It was not James, who didn´t even had a computer.
He realized students from other countries recognized him and Bob in the streets of London, when he sold the " Big Issue "or played guitar. They told him he had videos on You Tube, he went to the library to see in the computer . He was amazed how many people liked them.

Then, when he got sober, he was interviewed, he was asked to write a story about him and Bob. How two street lonely souls met and saved each other.

I am very emotional about the story, but I didn´t cry when I read the book. It is not that kind of book.
But when I began to tell the story to my son, I began to cry: " and this guy, James, was alone, and sad, had no money, he was invisible to people..." , " one day he found the cat hidding in his building, but he didn´t take him home, he thought he belonged to somebody "..." the next day the cat was still there and he followed him home and he feed him, and cleaned him, because he was hurt..." (sob!)....

And my son was like " stop that ! ". Because it was sad.

I don´t know how they made the movie, if it is drama, comical, funny. I would make a very sad movie, the way the cat run and James was desperate about loosing his only friend, and how the cat came from the shadows to him...(sob!)


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