
Now in english.

I got unemployed in may, after three months working at I had a 3 months contract so,I got sacked. In the french Line it was me and a,,,,French Teacher ! They said she did not speak like a native. The truth is her accent was like Edith Piaf " Non rien de rien, je ne regrette rien..." Her english was a bit odd " I received,,, " with the " i" open (ai). I tried to correct her but she didin´t care.

Me, they said I didn´t speak fluently french and I had some IT issues. Eheheh. True, I guess....

Well, we were the oldest there, (45 and 52), they kept the young people, but I guess when the summer comes, they will regret it. I once worked in the aiport of Faro, Algarve, and in august half the people went sick....It was almost caos, I had to do check in, then go to the waiting room, then take the turists in the bus to the plane. One nice guy asked me if I went to the plane too....(must put the correcter on, don´t remember how to spell things).

I went to the Job Center, they gave me a paper the employers must sign to send to the Social Security, to get paid a subsidy (? I don´t know where the corrector is...). It only took them a month to sign it...

But the thing is, they don´t give it unless we work 9 months. I worked for 6 months in a school (substitute teacher), in other 2 months, ( the same), and I never got any payment when I got unemployed. But i paid a tax for social security , they took money from my salary.

The people from Brussels UE, want our country to pay a penalty because we have exceeded the whatever ....

Of course that will come over us, the ones who pay taxes because we work for others.
I wich I had money in Panama....

This is the Iberic Peninsulae, Portugal is a rectangule in the left side, the nose is Lisbon, the south is Algarve, and if you walked a straight line it would be New York. But our wheather is better due to the south sea corrents.


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Lady Liuwa

Sé Catedral de Lisboa, séc. XII

Sumol Summer Fest