Pig in Portugal

A Pig for Christmas

Meanwhile, in a little village in Portugal, the people bought in september, a little black pig to be the the premium of the raffles at Christmas. That was an old tradition, the people fed the pig until it was given to the winner of the raffles. Then they would kill him and eat him (the pig...).

That tradition was extinct, but came to life this year. It was a small black pig with a white stripe in the head. But then the pig was cute and smart like a dog, children gave him sweets and a name, Tony, and a women took him to her place. He was well behaved, intelligent and everybody in that forgotten site took to him.
But then all the raffles were sold, 1000 euros, and the money was to mend  the church´s roof, the St. Antony Chappel, What could be done to save the now, not so small pig ?

The news came in a small regional newspaper, then a TV crew was sent there to report the strange event, people preferred to save the animal, then to keep an old tradition.....
But what could be done ? The tickets were sold, it was up to the winner to decide what to do with the pig, kill him and give him to be eaten by the population, or keep him alive and return him to live in peace with the old and the children ?

That is what is happening right now, in Vilarandelo (900 h.) in the north of Portugal.
The pig is still alive, nothing has been decided.

A group has been created (by me ) in the Facebook and we have more than 600 members, pleading " To save Tony ! The pig in Vilarandelo ! "http://sicnoticias.sapo.pt/pais/2015-11-22-Populacao-de-Vilarandelo-comprou-porco-para-rifar-no-Natal-mas-ninguem-o-quer-matar?fb_action_ids=10207325952654539&fb_action_types=og.comments

We have now spoken to a NGO called Animals which is trying to do something.
We have ten days till


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