After all this years

I saw him when I was leaving the supermarket, with his umbutoned shirt, suit, tanned and slightly long hair. He smiled and walked towards me, and in my mind images flew , until I recognized him too. In his low voice said how surprised he was to see me, and told me he lived near too. Last time I´d seen him, he was with his wife and kids, and when I had told him the old "gang"was thinking to have a reunion, he told me he was too occupied. Now he was divorced and very interested in what everybody was doing, especially me, when I told him I was divorced too. Ok, he was one of the youngest of the group, but now four or five years are nothing. Then his cellular rang and he did not answer it. I said "What a big phone you have" and he looked puzzled with his sweet brown eyes at me. "Must go", said clever me, and never got his number. At least I was clean and smartly dressed. As I walked away, I saw him talking on the phone. Good for him.


Unknown disse…
Maybe you will see him again... ;o)
Marias disse…
Devo ver de certeza, a ex-mulher mora aqui ;o)
Marias disse…
Ana T. pus-me como seguidora do teu blog, mas estava com o pseudónimo do outro blog...terás que adivinhar quem sou... (difícil).

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